For investors interested in the technology industry, you should know that BMO Capital Markets, which is a Canadian investment banking company, have disclosed their market perform rating on Sierra Wireless, Inc. (TSE:$SW) (NASDAQ:$SWIR) shares. This information was reaffirmed in a published report on Friday, May 5th. As of right now, BMO Capital Markets has a C$30.00 price target on the stock.
Aside from BMO Capital Markets, there are a number of research analysts who have joined in on the discussion of SW. In a research report published on Wednesday, February 8th, the Royal Bank of Canada reiterated a sector perform rating and agreed to a C$21.00 price target on Sierra Wireless shares. In addition, on Friday, February 10th, Raymond Financial, Inc. increased their price objective on Sierra Wireless shares from C$20.00 to C$23.50. They also gave SW an outperform rating. Scotiabank also increased their price target on SW shares from C$18.00 to C$20.00 and gave them a sector perform rating in a research report published on Friday, February 10th. Last but not least, National Bank Financial increased SW shares from a sector perform market weight rating to an outperform market weight rating on February 9th. Four different research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and as of right now, the stock has a rating of Hold and an average target price of C$28.50.

On Friday, Sierra Wireless (TSE:$SW) traded up 10.384%, which allowed it to reach $42.575. Sierra Wireless had a trading volume of 212,367 shares. SW’s stock also has a 50-day moving average of $36.46 and a 200 day moving average of $30.42. As of right now, Sierra Wireless has a 12-month high of $42.67 and a 12-month low of $16.48. Furthermore, the stock has a market cap of $1.36 billion and a price-to earnings ratio of 94.192.
A Brief Overview: Sierra Wireless
Sierra Wireless, Inc.’s focuses on building the Internet of Things (loT), which will have wireless solutions for businesses. SW has a OEM Solution division which offers cellular embedded wireless modules for Internet of Things connectivity. This includes an embedded application framework which will support customer applications. Additionally, the company’s Enterprise Solution division offers routers and gateways, such as management tools and applications which authorize cellular connectivity.
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