Health Tech That Could Save Lives


There’s a lot of new tech floating around in the health space. Here’s a list of some of the latest gadgets that could help to save lives.

Sleep Apnea Smart Watch

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition in which you stop breathing periodically throughout your sleep. It can cause hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, among other health problems.

There are several smart watches under production, or out already, that are capable of detecting bouts of sleep apnea when they occur, along with tracking other sleep conditions. These include fitness bands aimed at general health, but also specific smart watches meant solely for the purpose of detecting sleep apnea.

The technology behind this still has a ways to go as far as actually stopping sleep apnea, but there’s been a lot of research going into detecting these sorts of conditions, and that’s the first step.

Wireless Heart Monitoring

Most heart monitors are bulky and full of patches of wires that are not at all convenient for the person wearing them.

New technology is looking into getting rid of all of that, simplifying the heart monitor to nothing but a strap. The strap can be wrapped around one’s chest and worn easily underneath clothing without showing.

FDA-approved models have been released of the wearable technology that have sensors capable of detecting accurate and continuous ECG, heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, and even skin temperature. Activity data is also logged for the user’s benefit and knowledge.

Vital Sign Monitoring from the Ear

Vital sign monitoring is most often associated with the wrist – think fitness bands – but the ear is actually a great spot that can pick up on minute details of the body.

There is now technology being developed to take advantage of the ear’s sensory abilities. The device, which could be worn around the ear similar to a hearing aid, would be capable of measuring body temperature and heart rate, among other things

These are just a few of the new health tech gadgets we might start seeing appearing in the markets. The possibilities are endless when it comes to tech – where will it go next?