Ensco Plc: Oil Prices and Improving Production Boosts Future Fundamentals
Ensco Plc (NYSE:PLC) share price outperformed the S&P 500 index since the start of this year; the stock is likely to soar further considering the growth in exploration and production activities and robust oil prices. ... [Read]

Oil Production Outlook is Bright, Drillers Enjoy Regained Momentum
Oil Production Outlook is Bright: Drilling companies are rebounding over the last twelve months due to the improvement in oil prices and the increasing investments from exploration and production companies. The rally in drilling companies’ shares ... [Read]

Aegean Marine Petroleum Enters MoU with Mercuria Energy: Stock Up 200%
Aegean Marine Petroleum MoU: Looking at the trending tickers of the day, it’s difficult to ignore the Aegean Marine Petroleum stock, which is currently up nearly 200%. But why? Aegean Marine Petroleum Enters MoU with ... [Read]

Small-cap Energy Stocks Are Enjoying Higher Oil Prices
Small-cap energy stocks have been riding on positive momentum since the start of this year, primarily due to improving oil prices. The Russell 2000 Energy index generated a year-to-date growth of more than 16%, outperforming ... [Read]

Oil & Gas
Helix Energy Solutions is Enjoying Improving Dynamics in Energy Sector
Helix Energy Solutions (NYSE:HLX) shares are on momentum over the last three months, supported by improving market dynamic in the energy sector. The substantial growth in oil prices and increasing investments from offshore companies have ... [Read]

Denbury Resources Shares Up 250% in Twelve Months, Here’s Why
Denbury Resources shares are up almost 100% since the start of this year, moving the twelve-month rally to 250%. The company continues impressing investors with its growth opportunity investments and balance sheet strengthening strategies. Denbury Resources (NYSE:DNR) ... [Read]

Oil & Gas
These Two Small-Cap Oil Stocks are Shining
US oil producers are among the most prominent beneficiaries of higher oil prices considering their breakeven-level that is substantially higher than Middle East producers. Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRZO) shares soared sharply higher in ... [Read]

California Set to Vote on Mandatory Solar Power Law
Solar stocks are rising across the board today on the news that California is holding a vote to enforce mandatory solar panels on new homes. It has been a few months since US president Donald ... [Read]

Oil & Gas
California Resources Corp. Shares Up Over 25%
Shares of the US oil and natural gas company, California Resources Corp. (NYSE:CRC), were up over 25% on Friday. The company has recently released the results for its first-quarter of 2018 which could be attributed ... [Read]

Oil & Gas
McDermott Rejects Subsea’s Hostile $2Bn Takeover Bid – Shares Leap 13.6%
Shares in offshore engineering firm McDermott International (NYSE:MDR) have soared 14.3% after the firm rejected an aggressive $2 billion USD takeover bid from rival European firm Subsea 7 (OTC:SUBCY). The bid was timed to disrupt ... [Read]