In recent weeks, Bravatek Solutions, Inc. is trading in the mid $0.004s on steady volume and gaining increasing interest from investors.
In fact, Bravatek continues to be one of the most traded stocks on the entire OTC market, with a concording huge following from shareholders.
The company coins itself as a high technology security solutions portfolio provider that assists corporate entities, governments, and individuals in protecting their organizations against both physical and cyber-attacks. Through offering cost-effective, technically-advanced, and reliable software, Bravatek is comprised of two businesses streams: highly-secure email services, and Telecom tower services.
Last year, Bravatek saw 2 significant announcements, which are still in question with regards to future operations. First, its Telecom Services Division, acquired from Viking in June, has signed a Letter of Intent with construction company YKTG, LLC, for a $10-million plus decommissioning project with a major cell phone carrier. Second, Bravatek also announced a worldwide exclusive arrangement with MHC, their strategic partner on construction management. This deal is sought to generate no less than $2.5 million in Purchase Orders from Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile within the next twelve months.
Featured Image: Depositphotos/© andrei.dvaretski.yandex.ru