Victory Square Technologies Increase 47.83% in Short Interest

Victory Square Technologies Increase

Victory Square Technologies Inc.’s (TSX-V:VST) most recent stock update saw an increase of 47.83% in short interest.

This has put it up from 9,200 shares to its current 13,600 shares. During the last trading session, Victory Square’s stock decreased 0.40%, or $0.0045, and put it at $1.1155. 145 shares were traded during the session. According to the S&P 500, the company has underperformed by 16.70%.

Victory Square Technologies deals in sports, personalized healthcare, and the entertainment business, with a focus on virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, gaming, and film. Its market cap is $56.11 million, but currently, it has negative earnings.

Victory Square is currently operating, which is a sports prediction platform. The company also produces and licenses games, contests, and other related products/experiences for sports fans, including providing virtual reality fantasy football.

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