Imperva Inc (NASDAQ:$IMPV) recently saw its Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Oscillator – or MACD – hit a ‘Sell’ rating while the signal direction is currently reading ‘Weakest’. The MACD is generally used to predict bearish or bullish trends in stock. Also looking at the short term, the 7-day average directional indicator is at ‘Sell’. The market trend can be determined by this trend. The 7-day average directional direction is currently set to ‘Weakening’. Determining whether a ‘Hold’ rating will waiver or if a ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’ rating is about to fluctuate can be determined by this metric. Historical performance is used to measure the strength indicator for the signal.
The support level and the resistance levels are the levels at which the stock can be expected to rebound with an upswing or a downswing respectively. The stock is currently sitting at a support level of 43.13 and a resistance level of 43.66.
Between the most recent close and the close one month ago, the stock has a difference of $0.55, This translates to a +1.27% change during that time. This increases to +5.4% as you move back to the year’s beginning.
Analysts forecasts and actual numbers go head-to-head when companies start to release their earnings reports. If a company beats the forecast, it may boost stocks, whereas the reverse is also true. Imperva currently boasts a 9 day MACD of -0.64, which represents the difference between a short-term and a long-term moving average. Numbers below zero indicate a bearish trend, while numbers above zero indicate a bullish trend.
The standard deviation for shares of Imperva currently sits at +0.68. This stat is useful and measures the dispersion from the mean in regards to the data set. Investors may use the standard deviation to project if a stock has the potential for a major move.
The pivot point can be used as a trend indicator. It is also an average of the close, low and, high of the prior trading period. Imperva’s current pivot is 43.44.
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