Technical analysis is a useful tool for potential investors. It can take a look at a stock’s past performance and help to gauge where the stock may be heading in the future. Technical analysis often boils down to discovering the overall trend line of a stock’s movement and is especially useful when coupled with fundamental analysis. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the technical indicators for inTest Corporation (NYSE:$INTT).
52 Week Scale
Trailing 52 week highs and lows are useful averages that take highest and lowest bids over the last year. They are useful for determining which direction the stock is currently heading. Often, these are represented as the percentage away from the high or low that the stock currently rests at.
InTEST is currently 160.53% above its 52 week low, and -3.41% below its 52 week high.
Simple Moving Averages
Moving averages are useful because they allow investors to chart a stock’s progress easily. They can help identify peaks and valleys and are great for filtering out the daily noise of price movement. They are often measured over specific periods, such as 20, 50, or 200 days.
Currently, inTEST sits 19.09% below its 20-day average, 27.43% below its 50 day moving average, and 47.65% below its 200 day average.
Volume & Price
At a recent close, shares of inTEST had moved 0.0% and sat at $9.90 on a total volume of 0.29 million shares. Volume tends to indicate whether a stock is healthy or not, and can be a good warning signal of whether a stock may uptrend or downtrend soon. High volume can be a sign that traders are placing long-term confidence in the stock, whereas low volume may indicate that a stock can indicate that investors have low confidence in the stock.
The company has a shares float of 7.80 million and currently has 10.19 million shares outstanding. In terms of recent performance, the stock has changed 18.56% over the last week and 31.13% over the last month. On a year-to-date scale, the stock has trended 115.22%m with a quarterly performance shift of 43.48%. Over the past 6 months, the stock has moved 57.14% and 150.63% over the past 12 months.
Relative Strength Index
The Relative Strength Index is a helpful oscillating momentum indicator. It ranges from 0 to 100 with anything below 30 indicating a stock may be oversold, and anything above 70 indicating that a stock may be overbought. The company currently holds an RSI of 83.14, meaning traders may want to look for selling opportunities.
The company currently has an Average True Range of 0.38. The ATR is a volatility indicator that measures the strength of price action. It is calculated based on historical stock price data. A high ATR indicates a high level of volatility, whereas a low ATR indicates a low volatility. The firm currently has a 14-day ATR of 0.38.
Looking at historical data, we see that over the past week the company had a volatility of 5.31% and over the past month the stock had a volatility of 3.26%.
Finally, we can take a look at the beta. The beta is a metric that rests and 1 and fluctuates up to indicate higher volatility and down to indicate lower volatility. It is compared to an industry standard. The company currently has a beta of 0.14, indicating it is 86% less volatile than the industry standard.
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