Technical analysis is a form of analysis that uses past trends to predict future stock behavior. This can be especially helpful when evaluating a stock such as Ashford Hospitality Trust, Inc (NYSE:$AHT). Using indicators such as Relative Strength Index, Moving Averages, and Average True Rating, analysts can predict how a stock will move in the near future. The principle thing to discover is how the overall trend line of a stock’s movement. So let’s take a look at Ashford’s technicals.
Volume and Price
During a recent close, shares of the REIT moved 1.32%, closing at $6.90 on a total volume of 0.46 million shares. This is slightly below the average volume of 0.52 million shares. Volume is an important indicator of possible price changes and trading direction. A high volume stock may indicate that the stock is currently on the radar of long-term investors, whereas a low volume may make it difficult for you to trade at prices you want to.
Overall Performance
Over the last week, the company reported a change of 3.45%, a 10.58% move over the last month, a move of 11.83% over the past 6 months and a move of 17.75% over the past 12 months. Its current year-to-date performance has moved -11.08%, with a quarterly performance that indicates a shift of 16.75%. They are trading on a float of 79.09 million shares and have 98.02 million in outstanding shares.
52 Week Low & High
Looking at 52 week highs and lows can be helpful in identifying how much a stock has moved in the last year. It can also help to see if the stock is moving above, below, or at its average price. Ashford currently sits 29.97% above its 52 week low, and -16.16% below its 52 week high.
Simply Moving Averages
Moving averages are useful because they take a stock price over a longer period of time, allowing you to quickly identify peaks and valleys. These can also be helpful in filtering out the day to day noise of stock price movements.
The company’s stock is currently 5.43% below its 20 day average, 9.54% away from its 50 day moving average, and 4.50% away from its 200 day moving average. Stocks that dip below their moving average can indicate a bearish move or a downward trend, whereas stocks that surge above their moving averages can indicate a bullish move or an upward trend.
Relative Strength Index & Average True Range
The RSI is a technical indicator used to determine when a stock is overbought or oversold. It oscillates from 0 to 100; anything below 30 is oversold and anything over 70 is considered overbought.
Ashford currently sits at an RSI of 76.89.
The ATR, on the other hand, is a volatility indicator that measures the strength of price action. It is used by analysts to indicate possible exit and entry points and is normally used in 14 day increments.
Ashford currently has a volatility of 2.15% over the past 14 days, and 2.12% over the past month.
In addition to ATR, we can also measure a company’s beta. Beta normally sits at 1, with anything over indicating higher volatility and anything under indicating lower volatility. The number is based on an industry average. Ashford’s beta currently sits at 1.63, indicating it is 63% more volatile than the industry standard.
What are Analysts saying?
Finally, we can take a look at analyst ratings. The mean recommendation is an average based on accumulated ratings, with 1 indicating a Strong-Buy and 5 indicating a Strong-Sell. Ashford’s mean recommendation currently sits at 2.50.
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