
It’d be wise to keep an eye on Cervus Equipment Corporation (TSXV:$CERV), as the stock currently has a six-month price index of 1.27054. This is calculated by dividing the current share price by the share price of six months ago. Having a ratio over one means there was an increase in stock price over the six months, while a ratio under one means the price has decreased in that time period.
Also of note is the stock volatility data for shares of Cervus Equipment Corporation. The 12-month volatility is sitting at 23.998500; the 6-month volatility is at 21.843400, and the 3-month volatility is 20.845700.
It may also be of use to look at the Piotroski F-Score to figure out a value analysis for the company. The F-Score is meant to help find company stocks that have solid fundamentals, separating out weaker companies. Piotroski’s F-Score uses nine tests to determine a company’s rating, based on their financial statements. Cervus Equipment currently has a score of 6. One point of given for every piece of criteria met. A stock on the higher end of the scale, 8 or 9, is seen as strong, while a stock on the lower end, 0-2, is weaker.
Cervus Equipment has an FCF quality score of 1.380011. This score helps to estimate the stability of free cash flow. FCF quality is calculated as the 12-month cash flow per share over the average of the cash flow numbers. Typically, the lower the ratio, the better. Cervus Equipment currently has an FCF score of 0.527607. The FCF score is calculated by merging free cash flow stability with free cash flow growth, with a higher FCF score value representing a high free cash flow growth. The financial health of a company can be investigated using FCF information.
It may be useful to look at Cervus Equipment shares from a different angle. For example, their current Q.i. (Liquidity) value is 19.00000. The Q.i value ranks stocks using EBITDA yield, FCF yield, earnings yield, and liquidity ratios. It may help to identify companies that are undervalued. Having a larger value means a low turnover and higher chance for shares to be priced incorrectly, whereas a lower value indicates larger traded value, which means that more sell-side analysts might be tracking a company so that shares are more likely to be priced correctly.
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