Have you ever logged in to sites such as Vacation Rentals by Owner (VRBO) or AirBNB and viewed a few potential rental properties for your vacation days, only to find out when you go back to book them the next week, they’ve been taken? That is one huge inconvenience in the current accommodation rental booking platforms. The vacationers are the ones that have to race and compete, to close in on a fixed price vacation rental property. Also, have you ever been in the city for meetings all day but wish you could go to a nice place to relax and maybe take a nap, before the next one? Unfortunately, most hotels don’t offer this convenience without wanting to charge you for a full night stay that you don’t need.
That’s what Pocketinns beta 1.0 offers, a blockchain-based accommodation booking platform that allows buyers and sellers to facilitate the exchange of services and products directly under its decentralized network that has no fees or commissions for these transactions. This company constructed the first Time Block system, for on-demand flexible space for vacation rentals or in home units that allows checking in and checking out, at any time. Which allows for these “day stays” for individuals that need that midday work nap or a quiet place to finish up some work but at a fraction of the usual cost.
Another big feature of this platform is the on-demand reverse bidding model, which is a first of its kind as well. What’s reverse bidding you ask? Like traditional booking, it only shows you what is available on the specific days you choose that has a specific set price. With reverse bidding on Pocketinns, you choose your destination location, price range and any specific filters you want within the property. Once done, properties that may work for you appear and of those properties, you choose 2 to 10 of your choice and the system randomly chooses one of the properties as a baseline for your final price, before the bidding even begins. The host has 12 hours to agree on the price and you’re good to go. If the host denies the request, other properties bid on your price and the first one to accept is a done deal. If no other properties bid on your denied request, all the money (PINNS) is refunded to you.
Currently, this is just the first venture for Pocketinns and hopes to further branch out into peer-to-peer car sharing, ridesharing, shared workspaces, legal services, and flight bookings. Currently, the ICO has 50,000 active properties in Europe for its Pocketinns beta. The PINNS tokens will be used as payments throughout all of its platforms. This is a unique way of approaching the current vacation rental property situation. It may be of great interest to the working professionals needing a quiet space during the day or the tired traveler just needing a bed for a nap for a few hours.
Start Date: 15 Jan 2018. End Date: 31 Jan 2018.
Find out more about Pocketinns here.
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