Recently, traders have noticed that pSivida Corp. (NASDAQ:$PSDV) stock has seen its Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram level just under zero. This could indicate it may be time to sell.
Another tool for forecasting a stock is the Commodity Channel Index. The CCI typically has a range of -100 to +100, with the former indicating an oversold stock and the latter indicating an overbought stock. Over the last 14 days, pSivida’s CCI was at -71.64.
The Relative Strength Index can be a useful tool for identifying overbought/oversold situations. The RSI ranges from 0 to 100 with anything below 30 considered overbought and anything over 70 being oversold. The company currently has 3, 7, and 14 day RSI’s of 42.95, 44.26, and 47.26.
Traders can also take a look at the Williams Percent Range. The system, created by Larry Williams, oscillates between 0 and -100, with stocks between -20 and -80 being normal, stocks over -20 being overbought, and stocks under -80 are considered oversold.
It’s also important to consider the moving averages. This indicator is the average price over a given time period. They are handy for checking where a stock peaks and where it troughs. The 200 day moving average for pSivida is currently sitting at $1.66.
Finally, one can look at the Average Directional Index. This metric is used to determine if a stock has a trend or not. The rating goes from 0 to 100 with anything below 25 indicating a weak or absent trend, and anything above 25 indicating an increasingly strong trend. This stat is often used in conjunction with the Plus Directional Indicator and the Minus Directional Indicator. pSivida currently sits at an ADX of 16.08 over the past 14 days.
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