Investing in Gold: Coins, ETFs, and Stocks
When thinking about getting into gold investing, it is important to know that the majority of these investments will fall into three sections. These sections include the following; physical gold, gold exchange-traded funds, and gold ... [Read]
Top 5 Uranium Production Companies to Invest In
For those looking to invest in commodities such as gold and silver, metals such as uranium and zinc can be worth looking into as well. Although the uranium news today projects a fairly slow growth ... [Read]
10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Silver
While it is rational and good to question whether an investment will be beneficial or not, there are many questions in particular when it comes to silver investing. This is because the silver market is ... [Read]
The Clayton Valley: Getting a Closer Look at Nevada’s Lithium Hotspot
With lithium prices rising and an ever-increasing demand from the lithium-ion battery sector, many believe that over the next several years, the demand for lithium will increase by roughly 60% to 250%. In fact, there ... [Read]
A Brief Overview: Investing in Lithium
Best known for its use in lithium batteries, Lithium is a highly reactive and flammable silver and white metal. It has a distinct chemical profile, making it the lightest metal on the periodic table. As ... [Read]
Think Zinc: 11 Things Investors Need to Know About This Metal
Zinc, similar to lithium, graphite, and cobalt, is one of those commodities that comes and goes. Currently, zinc is considered to be a hot commodity again due to the metal’s increase in price over 35% ... [Read]
A Brief Overview: Investing in Zinc
Used in all modern communities, Zinc, sometimes known as spelter, is an important industrial metal. Aside from that, zinc is a mineral that is crucial to the human body. Those struggling from zinc deficiency will ... [Read]
Zinc Output is Increasing and Trevali Mining Leads the Pack
One of Vancouver, Canada’s zinc mining companies, Trevali Mining Corp. (OTCMKTS:$TREVF), released a report on the 18th of May, 2017 which reported that shareholders had agreed to acquire an interest in numerous Glencore International Plc ... [Read]
Trevali Mining Likely to Benefit from Transitioning into Owner-operator
Are you looking to start investing in zinc supply? If so, watch out for one of Vancouver, Canada’s zinc mining companies, Trevali Mining Corp (OTCMKTS:$TREVF). As Trevali Mining transitions to an owner-operator model at one ... [Read]
Why You Should Invest in Uranium
Although there are many disadvantages to nuclear power — like the danger of radiation from nuclear accidents and massive cleanups if spills ever occurred, as illustrated through disasters such as Three Mile Island in 1979, ... [Read]