Nova Measuring Instruments Ltd. Announces their XPS Solution has Been Chosen by World’s Leading Foundry
Nova Measuring Instruments (NASDAQ:$NVMI) has announced that one of their metrological systems has been chosen by the world’s leading foundry. The system in question, their most advanced XPS platform, was selected to be used for ... [Read]

Drug Manufacturers
pSivida Announces Development of Sustained Release Glaucoma Drug with a Partner Global Pharmaceuticals Company
pSivida Corp (NASDAQ:$PSDV) has announced that it has signed an agreement with a major global pharmaceutical company to develop two new glaucoma drugs using their proprietary sustained release technology. The company is a leading developer ... [Read]

62.70% Insider Ownership for Camtek Ltd. Sparks Investor Interest
Investors can often look at insider ownership as a possible indicator of the stock’s potential and health. Even though it is not always a clear sign to sell or buy, insider ownership is an important ... [Read]

Computer Hardware
Heavier than Usual Trading Volume for Cohu, Inc.
Trading volume hit 434,000 for Cohu, Inc. (NASDAQ:$COHU) in the last session. This is 103.46% over the normal daily volume. Cohu has seen a bullish trend among traders recently. Between August 15th and August 31st, ... [Read]

Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc. Release Options for November 10th
Options with an expiration date of November 10th have been released by Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc (NYSE:$LL). The put contract currently sits at $37.00 strike with a current bid of $1.15. A commitment of $37.00 ... [Read]

Business & Finance
How Does Rent-A-Center Stack Up to Its Competitors?
Rent-A-Center, Inc. (NASDAQ:$RCII) is a rent-to-own operator in North America who provides a range of products available under rental purchase agreements. Their products include computers, smartphones, furniture, appliance and consumer electronics. But how does the ... [Read]

Nova Measuring Instruments: A Closer Look at Forecasts
With an average broker rating of 1 and an ABR of 1.3, Nova Measuring Instruments, Ltd. (NASDAQ:$NVMI) has caught some investors attention. The company, based in Israel, is a semiconductor manufacturer. They develop, manufacture, and ... [Read]

Drug Manufacturers
pSivida Corp.: What the Indicators Tell Us
Recently, traders have noticed that pSivida Corp. (NASDAQ:$PSDV) stock has seen its Percentage Price Oscillator Histogram level just under zero. This could indicate it may be time to sell. Another tool for forecasting a stock ... [Read]

Analysts Weigh in on Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc.
According to polling by Zacks, Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:$KLIC) currently, has an Average Broker Rating – or ABR – of 2. The rating is based on 3 brokerages that are covering the stock. ... [Read]

Insider Trade News for ZCL Composites, Inc.
On Tuesday, September 26th, Director of ZCL Composites, Inc. (TSXV:$ZCL) David Bruce Mcewen Bentley bought 12,000 shares of the firm’s stock. The shares were a total transaction of C$85.080.00 at an average price of $7.09 ... [Read]