A Quick Look At Fortune Minerals Limited

Fortune Minerals Limited

Fortune Minerals Limited (OTC:$FTMDF) has had a volatility of 67.0827 over the past 12 months, a number arrived at by taking the weekly log normal returns and standard deviation of the share price over one annualized year. This percentage represents how desirable a stock is to potential investors.

Over the past 3 months, the stock has had a volatility of 62.2621 and over the past 6 months that number has been 66.7019.

Investing is a game of chasing bulls and avoiding bears. Portfolios are built on multiple, complex strategies to avoid becoming too dependant on one stock’s performance. There are a multitude of theories on how to better understand those stocks, however. Some investors prefer to use fundamental analysis, some prefer technical analysis, and some use a combination of both. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to look at some of the numbers for Fortune Minerals.

Currently, Fortune Minerals holds a Piotroski F-Score of 3. The F-Score is a measure that is used to discover companies with strengthening balance sheets and also to spot weak performers. Typically, a rating of 8 or 9 is seen as strong, and a rating of 0-2 would be considered weak.

Fortune currently holds a Free Cash Flow Growth of 0.491459. FCF Growth is cashed produced by the company minus capital expenditure. This is the cash that the company uses to meet its financial obligations. These obligations can include dividend payouts or debt repayment. The overall FCF Score for Fortune Minerals sits at 1.307905. As with the previous factor, higher numbers reflect better on the company.

The company also has a current price index of 2.0. This index is a historical indicator that is calculated based on the current share price divided by the share price ten months ago. It can be used to determine if a stock is growing or not. The company also has a 1-month ratio of 1.10526, a 3-month ratio of 1.07692, a 5-month ratio of 1.02439, a 12 month of 1.5, and a 24 month of 6.

The firm has a Gross Margin score of 50. The Gross Margin score runs from 1 to 100, with 1 considered positive and 100 considered negative. Finally, we can look at the ‘Magic Formula’ – or MF Rank – of Fortune Minerals. The MF Rank looks at companies that have high earnings yield and high return on invested capital. Fortune’s current MF Rank is 11505.

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